
Codesys Arduino
Codesys Arduino

To do that, we must use two more applications in addition to Arduino IDE: the first is LDmicro that is the editor and compiler of our ladder code (it can be downloaded from ) the second consists of a web page that will help us creating the code for the ladder.h library ( ) for simplicity’s sake, in this guide we’ll consider only the DIGITAL I / O with no special features.

Codesys Arduino

The first one is to write our program using KOP language (ladder). To turn Arduino into a Programmable Logic Controller, there are two approaches. In this tutorial we will explain how to “convert” our Arduino board in a PLC-like controller, programmable through the PLC proprietary language and logic, helping those who wish to start studying this fascinating world without spending a bunch of money on materials and training. Arduino is a kind of universal programmable controller, although it is only the “core” and in any case it has been built for general applications with a little of external hardware (essentially interfaces capable of transferring signals from sensors and to actuators, reducing the EMI which may damage the microcontroller) and an appropriate software may, however, become something very similar to a PLC. The Industrial application made the PLC systems being very expensive, both to buy and repair, and also because of the highly specific skills requested to software designers to extract the maximum potentials from controllers.

Codesys Arduino Codesys Arduino

The PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) has been and still is the basic component of the industrial automation world. Today we’ll explain how to exploit the potential of Arduino as a programmable logic controller, connecting it to appropriate interfaces for I/O.

Codesys Arduino